All photos of Artwork taken in-situ at the

Welcome to the Wilderness Exhibition /centro de interpretaçã de monsanto/ Lisboa

The concept of Wilderness goes beyond what we can see; it’s a presence we sense within ourselves that is unknown, undiscovered, and seemingly foreign. I would like to make the case that we will never learn how to preserve the world’s Natural Wilderness and Green Spaces until we acknowledge and accept the Wilderness inside ourselves.

We are mirrors to the outside Wilderness - beautiful but savage, shadow and light, unpredictable and surprising

/ artistic influences: Dorathea Lange, Sabastian Salgado & painters Rembrandt, Kyle Slaver.John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, José Saramago

About the techniques used for these artworks:

  • This photographic technique is created in camera. In a manual film camera, you press the shutter twice or more before advancing to the next frame. In DSLR cameras, the process is a little different, but the principle is the same. Laying multiple images in the same photographic frame, produces amazing photographs.

    In the images below, I was able to create more light within the photographs, creating an unique ethereal lightness.

  • These are handmade prints. This alternative printing process, creates images with texture and depth.

    These are the basic steps: a photocopy of an image; painting the image with multiple layers of acrylic gel; drying time; soaking the image in water; removing the paper from the gel; preparing the mounting board or canvas; mounting the image on board or canvas.

    The process takes approximately 72 hours.

Welcome to the Wilderness Portraits

More information about O Fim de Teatro

Please email me for more information.

Framing & shipping options available.

exhition at the Centro de Interpretação de Monsanto, Lisboa